
Mission_480wd_Wire 349

Rea will lead our industry in the quality of our products, the safety of our employees, and in the value that we provide to our customers. A principal requirement is to consistently achieve financial results that will provide funds from operations to support reinvestment in facilities and growth that will increase the value of the Company.  Innovation and cost-effectiveness are essential to all of our efforts. Rea must attract and develop capable people who accept the accountability for their own jobs, as well as, the responsibility to improve our Company’s performance.

We all must work together to earn job security and to create a productive, challenging and safe work environment.

Rea will be socially responsible and will endeavor to improve quality of life in the communities in which we operate.

It is vital to our future that Rea employees understand, are committed to, and work together to carry out this Mission.

We owe our success over the years to the fact that our customers have confidence in our expertise and trust in our integrity.

Eric Foster, Vice President of Supply Chain


Magnet wire has revolutionized our world. It lies at the heart of technology we use every day – appliances, generators, transformers, turbines, and much more. Rea Magnet Wire has been blazing trails in its manufacture for more than 85 years, and we look forward to building on our legacy of quality, innovation and responsive support. See how we’ve made our mark on the world.

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At Rea, we’ve taken great care to build the best team in the industry with our long-term vision in mind. Our founders created an atmosphere of stability, innovation and corporate responsibility, and every member of our team takes those principles to heart, making Rea a great place to grow a career. Meet our leadership team.


Are you a hard worker? A person of integrity? Do you see opportunities where there are challenges? If so, you may just find that Rea is an environment where your character and skills find a home. Click here to take at look at our open positions.

Operational excellence is a people-focused initiative, because improvements only come about when you galvanize your workforce.

Glenn Maxwell, Chief Executive Officer, Rea Magnet Wire


Rea’s Customer Portal provides detailed reporting and online order capabilities. Get all of the information you need and see how Rea Magnet Wire is the easiest company to do business with.